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        How to select the wire rope hoist

        How to select the wire rope hoist:


        Types of steel wire rope winch, according to the contact state of steel wire and wire of wire rope can be divided into different:

        (1)點接觸鋼絲繩 點接觸鋼絲繩繩股中各層鋼絲直徑均相同,而內外各層鋼絲的節距不同.因而相互交叉形成點接觸。其特點是接觸應力高.表面粗糙,鋼絲易折斷,使用壽命低。但制造工藝簡單,價格便宜。在實際中常發現這種鋼絲繩在受拉、尤其是受彎時由于鋼絲間的點接觸、造成應力集中而產生嚴重壓痕,由此導致鋼絲疲勞斷裂而使鋼絲繩過早報廢。

        (1) points of contact wire rope point of each layer of steel contact wire rope diameter are the same, and the layer of steel wire pitch. Thus cross each other to form point contact. Its characteristic is the contact stress is high. The surface is rough, steel wire is easy to break, low service life. But the manufacturing process is simple, cheap price. This kind of steel wire rope under tension, especially in bending the wire between the point contact, cause stress concentration and cause serious indentation often found in practice, resulting in the fatigue fracture of the wire rope is scrapped prematurely.

        (2)線接觸鋼絲繩 線接觸鋼絲繩繩股由不同直徑的鋼絲統制而成,每一層鋼絲的節距相等,由于外層鋼絲位于內層鋼絲之間的溝槽內,因此內外層鋼絲間形成線接觸。這種鋼絲繩的內層鋼絲雖承受比外層鋼絲稍大的應力,但它避免了應力集中,消除了鋼絲在接觸處的二次彎曲現象,減少了鋼絲間的摩擦阻力。使鋼絲繩在彎曲上有較大的自由度,從而顯著提高了抗疲勞強度,其壽命通常高于點接觸鋼絲繩。由于線接觸鋼絲繩比點接觸鋼絲繩的有效鋼絲總面積大,因而承載能力高。如果在破斷拉力相同的情況下選用線接觸鋼絲繩,可以采用較小的滑輪和卷筒直徑,從而使整個機構的尺寸減小。應優先選用線接觸鋼絲繩。卷揚機廠,卷揚機,奉溪卷揚機

        (2) the contact wire rope strand wire controlled by different diameter and into the line contact wire rope line, each layer of steel wire pitch is equal, the trench outer wire in the inner steel wire between the inner and outer layer steel wire, so the line contact is formed between. Inner steel wire of the steel wire rope is subjected to stress is slightly larger than the outer layer steel wire, but it avoids the stress concentration, the elimination of the wire in the two bending phenomenon at the point of contact, reducing friction resistance wire. The steel wire rope in bending a greater degree of freedom, which significantly improves the anti fatigue strength, its life is usually higher than the point contact wire rope. Because the line contact wire rope than point contact wire rope wire total effective area is large, so the high bearing capacity. If the choice of linear contact lay wire ropes in breaking force under the same conditions, the pulley and the drum diameter smaller, so that the whole body size. Priority should be given to the selection of linear contact lay wire rope.

        Copyright © 2014 Nantong City, Jun Hai Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.Copyright © 2014 Nantong City, Jun Hai Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.
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